Copyright 2019 Michael W. Rickard II
Originally presented at Canadian Bulldog's World.
It’s time for Round Two of The Greatest U.S. Champion of All Time Tournament, presented here at Canadian Bulldog’s World. In case you’re just tuning in, this tournament includes the 21 greats who held Jim Crockett Promotions’ United States Heavyweight Championship, one of the most prestigious titles in the National Wrestling Alliance. The belt served as a steppingstone to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and became the focus of many top programs in JCP. The 21 different men who held the belt were either famous veterans or rising stars who eventually became legends.
Round One featured 18 grappling greats battling to advance to round two while three other competitors (Ric Flair, Blackjack Mulligan, and Chief Wahoo McDaniel) received byes for having held the U.S. title the most times. Keep in mind that the wrestlers working the matches are in the same physical condition they were when they held the U.S. Championship which means nearly every competitor is in their wrestling prime.
The second-round matches are being held at the iconic Greenville Memorial Auditorium, located of course in Greenville, South Carolina. The 7,500 seat multi-purpose arena was built in 1958 and lasted until September 20, 1997 when it was imploded to make room for the Bi-Lo Center (now known as the Bon Secours Wellness Arena). Bob Caudle and David Crockett will be calling the action for round two’s matches. Every match in the second round is one fall with a 45-minute time limit.
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Nikita Koloff

The fans are still reeling from the events of round two’s fourth match as arch-rivals Greg “The Hammer” Valentine and Wahoo McDaniel’s match never started. Instead, the two beat each other senseless with Ric Flair running in to aid Valentine and Ricky Steamboat making the save. As a result, Mid-Atlantic official Sandy Scott ruled the match will take place after the fifth scheduled match—Sgt. Slaughter vs. Nikita Koloff.
Rich Landrum is backstage with Sgt. Slaughter and asks Sarge about tonight’s match against Nikita Koloff. Slaughter is flanked by his trainees, Private Jim Nelson and Private Don Kernodle. Both men stand at attention as Slaughter cuts a scathing promo on Koloff. “Nikita Koloff and his uncle Ivan make me sick. I see them in the dressing room every night with the Soviet flag and I think of all the great men who died for our freedom. Every time I see them, I want to punch their lights out. I’ve thought about it for some time now, but tonight I finally get my chance. Well tonight I get that chance in the ring and it’s going to be even sweeter when I crush that Moscow maggot in the ring and advance to round three of the tournament. Don’t think that because I’m out to crush those Commie pukes that I’ve gone soft. I still hate those spineless pukes like Steamboat and Wahoo. I just hate the Koloffs even more!”
Click here for the full article.
Click here for the tournament introduction
Click here for match one of round one
Click here for match two of round one.
Click here for match three of round one.
Click here for match four of round one.
Click here for match six of round one.
Click here for match seven of round one.
Click here for match eight of round one.
Click here for match nine of round one.
Round Two
Click here for match one of round two.
Click here for match two of round two.
Click here for match three of round two.
Click here for match four of round two.