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Classic Review: "The History of the Intercontinental Championship DVD: Second to None."

Michael W. Rickard II

Copyright 2009 by Mike Rickard

Editor's Note: It's hard to believe it's been over 10 years since I penned this review of a WWE DVD. I was writing for World Wrestling Insanity at the time. Here it is in its original form (except for formatting changes).

By "Mr. Old School" Mike Rickard Feb 2, 2009 - 8:05 AM

Avis Rent-a-Car once had a slogan "We're number two-we try harder". The same slogan could apply to the WWE's Intercontinental Championship. The belt was often seen as a spotlight on good workers who could carry an undercard or even main event a "B" show when called upon. Looking at the WWE's new DVD, there's nothing second place about this belt nor the DVD showcasing it.

The I-C strap always seemed like more than just a secondary title. Unlike other regional promotions' secondary titles, this belt seemed special.It was far bigger than belts like the Georgia Championship, the United States championship, or even the North American championship. No, this was a merger of the North American Championship (supposedly brought into the WWWF by Ted DiBiase but actually created for his WWWF debut) and the fictitious South American Championship. In case you haven't heard the story, the I-C belt was created after a phantom tournament supposedly held in Rio De Janeiro. Pat Patterson (then North American champion) unified the belt, creating the belt we all know and love as the Intercontinental Championship.

While the I-C strap fell on hard times during the new millennium (and fortunately it looks like the WWE is working hard to restore some luster to this title), it was once an impressive title, second to only the WWE Championship. It was seen by fans as a stepping stone to the World Championship with the holder being ranked as the number one contender. You could bet that anyone holding the belt would be competing for the world championship (as long as the two champs weren't babyfaces and even this would change when the Intercontinental Champion Ultimate Warrior challenged Hulk Hogan for the World Championship).

Back in the 1980's the WWF did a VHS release of the Intercontinental Champions. Given that the belt didn't change hands that often, it wasn't difficult to squeeze the belt's history into a two hour cassette. Not so easy now but WWE Home Video has done an impressive job here. The three disc set is broken down into the championship's three decades with one disc devoted to the 1980's, another the 1990's, and the third with this decade. Host Todd Grisham does an excellent job bookending each match and discussing the champions and their role in the WWE.

Although the three disc set doesn't include every title change for the I-C belt, it's a remarkably good survey of the last three decades. As with any collection, there will be debate about the inclusion of one match over another but looking at this list, you can't help but feel you're getting a very good feel for the best of the best.The only gripe I had was that they didn't show clips of every title change as was done in The History of the WWE Championship. Other than that, this one's a keeper.

Here's the list of matches:


The Inaugural Champion

Madison Square Garden(MSG) 10-22-79

Pat Patterson(C) vs. Ted Dibiase

Olympic Strongman vs. The Fiery Latino

MSG 10-20-80

Ken Patera(C) vs. Pedro Morales

Knockdown Drag Out Fight

MSG 12-28-82

Pedro Morales(C) vs. The Magnificent Muraco

The Super Splash

MSG 10-17-83

Steel Cage

The Magnificent Muraco(C) vs. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka

Arriba! & The Hammer

MSG 3-17-85

Lumberjack Match

Tito Santana vs. Greg Valentine(C)

Enter The Macho Man

Boston Garden 2-8-86

Tito Santana(C) vs. Randy "Macho Man" Savage

The Greatest Ever

Wrestlemania III 3-29-87

Randy "Macho Man" Savage(C) vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

The Guitar Playing Antagonist

Superstars 6-2-87

Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat(C) vs. The Honky Tonk Man

End of an Era

Summerslam 8-29-88

The Honky Tonk Man(C) vs. The Ultimate Warrior

The Ladies Man

Summerslam 8-28-89

"Ravishing" Rick Rude(C) vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Disk 2

The Perfect Champion

Summerslam 8-26-91

Mr. Perfect(C) vs. Bret "Hitman" Hart

Divided Loyalties

Summerslam 8-29-92

Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. British Bulldog

Stealing the Show

Wrestlemania X 3-20-94

Ladder Match

Razor Ramon(C) vs. Shawn Michaels

Believing In Yourself

Royal Rumble 1-22-95

Razor Ramon(C) vs. Jeff Jarrett

One of the Greatest Rivalries in History

In Your House; D-Generation X 12-7-97

Rocky Maivia vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin(C)

In Your House; Fully Loaded 7-26-98

2 out of 3 Falls

Triple H vs. The Rock(C)

The Ninth Wonder of the World

No Mercy 10-17-99

Good Housekeeping Match

Chyna vs. Jeff Jarrett(C)

Disk 3

The New Millennium

No Way Out 2-27-00

Chris Jericho(C) vs. Kurt Angle

3 is better than 2

Smackdown 4-12-01

Triple Threat

Chris Jericho vs. X-Pac vs. Eddie Guerrero(C)

David vs. Goliath

Smackdown 4-12-01

Triple H(C) vs. Jeff Hardy

The Unification

Raw 7-22-02

Rob Van Dam(C) vs. Jeff Hardy(European C)

Battle of the Young Guns

Vengeance 7-11-04

Edge vs. Randy Orton(C)

Former World Champions Collide

Taboo Tuesday 11-1-05


Ric Flair(C) vs. Triple H

Winner Takes All

Backlash 4-3-06

Rob Van Dam(MITB) vs. Shelton Benjamin(C)

Fresh Faces

Vengeance 6-25-06

Triple Threat

Shelton Benjamin(C) vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Carlito

One Man Wrecking Crew

The Great American Bash 7-22-07

Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga(C)

Raw 3-10-08

Jeff Hardy(C) vs. Chris Jericho

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